How do you prepare for an online assessment during a COVID 19 Pandemic? (Part 1)

Students face a brand-new challenge as a result of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic: online exams. The change may be frightening for some, but with the right preparation, students can make the most of it.

Taking examinations is an integral part of higher education and a necessary method for students to receive accurate grades. Passing an examination shows competence, performance, and credibility that are necessary for global acceptance

What are the best ways to prepare for an online test like an open-book, timed exam?

The Keys to Success

We'll discuss how to prepare in more detail, but here's a short summary of how to be successful on any online examination.

  • Knowledge: a firm understanding of the subject matter
  • Organization: a systematic approach to finding relevant information
  • Structure: plan and commit to completing the exam within the time limit
  • Maintain academic integrity: Don't submit work that isn't your own!

Protect your Academic Integrity

To get credit for your work, it should be original, individual, and honest.

When taking an online exam that allows you to use any book, you should be aware of which materials you are permitted to use. During the test, you may only be allowed to access your course notes and textbook, so you shouldn't access your web browser, social media apps, or messaging platform. Be sure to review all exam instructions before your exam date and ask for clarifications if needed.

Steps to prepare for an online open-book exam

Prepare for your open-book test with plenty of time. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Step 1: Understand what is expected

Understanding the course expectations and the exam framework is crucial to your success:

  • When will the exam be available?
  • Do you know how long you will have to take the test?
  • Does it need to be completed all at once?
  • What type of questions will appear on the test? (E.g. multiple-choice, short answer, synthesis, application).
  • What materials are available to you?
  • Once you've started writing, how can you ask for clarification if you need it?

Step 2: Review the course objectives and themes

The goal here is to set up a framework for organizing your notes, reviewing your course material, and beginning to make connections between course concepts. A good place to start this process is by reviewing your syllabus for the course. Ask yourself:

  • Are there any course objectives?
  • What is the main lesson of each chapter?
  • Where are the major themes of the course?

During your notes, think about how the objectives/themes/readings relate to each other; what do they have in common with the assignments you have completed?

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